Present Iain Jenner, Colin Campbell, Jennifer Jarl, Ann Marie Cameron Nicola Mair Lisa
Glaze (minute sec),
Also Donald Stuart
Apologies Stewart Livingston, Andrew Baxter
Minutes of last meeting be accepted proposed CC Seconded AMC
Matters Arising
Byre at Old Town
AMC to speak to planning officer and ask why stipulation to keep the Byre has been
IJ to contact Neil Malcolm and ask to install
NM to approach D Duggan for training dates
Overgrown vegetation
IJ will contact Phil Kearney again
There has still been no response to the communities letter. A formal complaint may be
made to the Minister involved.
A document is being prepared for NFU Mutual to allow CC to cut the grass
IJ to approach FC obout funding a feasibility study into proposals
1. A Q and A style document has been received about the new hospital proposed for
Fort William
£863.81 in account.
Community Association to be asked to clear vegetation at Old Town bus stop
Target is to get steering groups up and running within two months.
Six people have already come forward, at least four more required.
IJ to contact people and convene an informal meeting before next CC meeting
Road signage and repairs
1. 20 is plenty is facing the wrong way at Cuilcheanna
2. Cruachan/Gollanfield corner has been patched but still causing problems. Stuart
McClean is collecting accident statistics
3. Strathlinne warning sign is unreadable
4. The drain at the old Byre is collapsing again
5. Flooding at Creag Mhor – there are now permanent rivers crossing the pavement
6. New signs to Old Town at St Brides are enormous, incorrectly spelt, obscured by trees,
are dangerously positioned, have no indication of distance and are causing drivers to
take the wrong turning
7. Turning onto the B863 from the A82 involves a confusing and rapid change in speed
limits. There is no indication on the trunk road of the proximity of a primary school.
NM to ask police to make checks between 4.30 and 5.30 in an unmarked car
8. Sustrans is to put up warning signs that the multi user path has very narrow sections.
9. Drain collapsing again outside Old Stores
10. NM to ask police about the moving of abnormal loads during the day
Village Show was very successful, thanks to Ann Marie and her team
Knotweed several areas are in need of treatment
Noticeboards at St Brides has no cover and is not useable for CC notices
IJ to speak to Dot Ferguson about the Discretionary Fund
A82 summit
Donald Stuart informed the meeting that the next steps in upgrading the A82 will be
Tarbert/Inverarnan, then Fort William and then Onich.
Ben Thomson is now chair of the A82 partnership
Meeting closed 9.10pm
Date of next meeting THURSDAY 5 OCTOBER 2017 7pm