Mintues of Meeting on 4th March 2021

  1. Present:  Ann Marie Cameron, Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Jo Cowan, Marie MacLachlan (MM), Nicola Mair, Marilyn Macdonald (MLM), Karl Spierling
  2. Apologies: none received
  3. Adoption of Previous Minutes:  AMC proposed, DW seconded
  4. Chair’s Report:
    1. Thanks to LG/IJ/JC/DW for ongoing Covid resilience work throughout 2020
    1. Thanks to IJ for work in compiling local newsletter, which has received great feedback; hopefully this can continue
    1. Hopeful that Covid19 restrictions gradually ease after April, and that normality soon returns
  • Treasurer’s Report:  missing statements from early financial year in 2019 mean this is incomplete, and there is a discrepancy relating to HC grants: current balance of £2543.58
  • Office Bearers:
    • AMC remains Chair
    • LG remains Treasurer
    • DW remains Vice-Chair
    • IJ remains Secretary (with caveat that minute-taking be passed on – NM offers assistance and will help with this from April 2021)
  • Amendments to Standing Orders: NLCC meetings to start from 7.30pm going forwards to enable full-time working members to attend more easily
  • Matters Arising:
    • AMC: Glen Righ Hydro – ongoing
    • AMC: missed deadline for CRE Fund, and is now applying to Enabling Neighbourhoods Fund (£2K max, but advised £5K possible)
    • DW: Onich Bay situation – ongoing, progressing
  • Correspondence:
    • IJ still to reply to FLS, requesting mitigation planting to help with removal of squirrel habitat at Inchree, and a delay to works during the breeding season.
    • HC Planning: contentious application at Ardrhu has been withdrawn by applicant – applicant has made a new application for full license in Spa/B&B including 11.30am – 10pm+ hours, festive extensions & takeaway. Responses required by 12th March, 2021
    • Covid19 Resilience update from Alison Clark (HC): council tax reductions available and new support funds for those in need
    • St. Brides School has made a request for £370 for outdoor play suits/PPE for nursery children: unanimously agreed by NLCC
    • HC Niall Maclean has been in contact, offering to attend meetings if this is of use
    • MLM has contacted David Robertson from FLS re missing Glenshallach Road signage
  1. AOB:
    1. IJ to write supporting letter from NLCC to corroborate Jennifer Jarl’s long-term residence in NL, and indicating CC minute record showing her to be an historic member
    1. Resilience Issues:

(a) LG asks if Voipfone Helpline contract should continue? JC evidences recent usage, therefore it will.                                          (b) NLCC notice boards still incomplete – IJ to discuss with NLCA board/members to try and progress.                                                 (c) Newsletter for Easter (4th April)? Submissions from St. Brides, local diocese, NLCC and HC Resilience network requested by 26/03/21 for newsletter compiling and distribution (IJ) on 30/03/21.JC raises possibility of HC assistance with postage – will forward. IJ suggests laminate copies of newsletter be fixed to existing notice boards/bus shelters.

  • NM raises concern over residents falling through cracks – children who don’t attend St. Brides and newcomers to the village. NLCC to monitor.
    • DW will get latest information from BEAR re Onich Bay steps work, and further investigation of A82 flooding at Creag Mhor.
    • DW has produced a pdf document about an Onich Bay ‘restoration project’ to assist with pushing forward responses from public bodies/private stakeholders.
    • KS raises POI: Kinlochleven community participating in a food share scheme – can NL? JC/IJ point out challenges of sustaining this without paid staff – something being investigated by NLCA board in context of Inchree Project.
    • MLM asks if ‘go slow’ signs could be requested for Ardrhu Road? IJ points out HC section already has 20mph signs, and lower (private) road is responsibility of home owners.
    • Ardrhu License Application: no member raises any objection to application on basis of On-sales for max 20 people at Ardrhu Spa/B&B.
  1. Meeting closes:  8.45 pm
  1. Next meeting date: Thursday 1st April 2021, 7.30pm.


  1. AMC to pursue Glen Righ hydro community payback
  2. AMC to submit Enabling Neighbourhoods application
  3. DW to monitor Onich Bay
  4. JC/LG to monitor food resilience supplies
  5. IJ to reply to FLS
  6. LG to transfer £370 for St. Brides School nursery
  7. IJ to write supporting letter re JJ
  8. IJ to compile newsletter for 30/03/21
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