Minutes of meeting 4th February 2021

Digital VC meeting owing to lockdown conditions.

  1. Present:  Ann Marie Cameron, Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Jo Cowan, Marie MacLachlan, Nicola Mair, Marilyn Macdonald, Emma Thorpe, Angie Hallaspland
  • Apologies: none received
  • Adoption of Previous Minutes:  AMC proposed, DW seconded
  • Matters Arising:
  • AMC has received a response from Glen Righ Hydro owners. The scheme is only producing 100MW per annum, and is therefore below community payback thresholds – AMC to investigate.
    • Onich Bay situation ongoing
    • Covid Resilience monitoring: AMC has applied to Community Recovery Fund for £5000 to continue communications, supply PPE, also garden and craft supplies and maintain emergency food supplies and keep the hall as a resilience hub. Malcolm Macgregor (St.Brides) held a staff meeting, and suggests we could help with providing outdoor weather kits – warm, light waterproofs and wellies – for nursey children. 10 kids, estimate £500 of clothing.
  • Treasurer’s Statement: £2583.58

Total Covid spend: £7975.64

Remaining Covid grant: £1300

  • Correspondence:
    • Dot Ferguson has been in touch requesting AGM and draft minutes – IJ suggests AGM for next meeting, March 4th
    • IJ to reply to FLS, requesting mitigation planting to hnelp with removal of squirrel habitat, and a delay to works during the breeding season.
  • Agenda Items: Ardrhu Planning Application
    • AMC has received emails from HC re numerous objections – 6 documents and 19 public comments, 25 objections in total at time of meeting
    • AH details numerous grounds for objection: proximity of site to flood risks, ecological habitat (shingle), residential property, and protected species
    • ET adds compelling weight of objections draws attention to lack of care for local environment by applicant – SEPA made a prior enforcement to remove spoil from the site – and has employed a consultant to produce her objection: conclusion drawn that standards for producing the application have not been met.
    • IJ   has complied list of grounds for objection from ePlanning site
    • AH: 18 months ago, applicanat gave no neighbour notifications for ‘Spa development’, nor for extraction of materials for 3-bay garage, which has still not been built.
    • ET: suggests the kiosk would conflict with existing businesses at Onich Stores and future plans for Inchree Barn
    • AH: impacts on the the access road would worsen, and it is already seriously deteriorating. Maintenance burden of road is divided between residents, but the ownership is with Ardhu House.
    • NLCC declares unanimously to object: IJ to write.
  • AOB:
    • Marilyn Macdonald co-opted to NLCC
  • AMC: an Inchree resident has complained of large trees being removed at Righ Crescent – whose are they? IJ suggests consulting HC Tree Officer and will look at site.
  • Malcolm Macgregor (St.Brides) held a staff meeting, and suggests we could help with providing outdoor weather kits – warm, light waterproofs and wellies – for nursey children. 10 kids, estimate £500 of clothing.
  • Meeting closes:  8.28 pm
  1. Next meeting date: Thursday 4th March (AGM), 7pm.


  1. AMC to pursue Glen Righ hydro community payback
  2. IJ/DW to monitor Onich Bay
  3. JC/LG to monitor food resilience supplies
  4. IJ to reply to FLS
  5. IJ to write NLCC objection to Ardrhu application
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