- Present: Ann Marie Cameron, Iain Jenner, Jo Cowan, Marie MacLachlan (MM), Marilyn Macdonald (MLM), Karl Spierling
- Apologies: Dave Wrigglesworth, Lisa Glaze, Nicola Mair, Andrew Baxter
- Adoption of Previous Minutes: AMC proposed, MLM seconded
- Treasurer’s Report: current balance £2512.09 – HC Grant included
- Matters Arising:
- AMC: Glen Righ Hydro – ongoing
- AMC: SSEN community resilience fund has re-opened – applying as time becomes available
- DW: Good response from Olin Watson (BEAR) re Onich Bay situation – contractor assigned, work dates & program pending
- NLCC replacement noticeboards: ongoing; IJ has people lined up – dates to be fixed soon
- JC details that many community resilience groups are now winding down
- NLCC website update: Niall Blair (GRAPL) has had recent family bereavement; IJ will contact after a respectful time has passed
- Concerns over use of St. Brides School being used as a polling station expressed; Village Hall has two exits, school has one; children miss a day of learning & extensive (overnight) deep cleaning is required; AB forwarded HC policy statement, but question as to why St. Brides has not been resolved
- Correspondence:
- HC Planning: application for alterations & extension to manager quarters, and to install takeaway food kiosk in grounds to service passing traffic & bunkhouse guests; all food to be pre-wrapped/prepared offsite; no CC objections raised
- HC Emma Taylor: resilience groups questionnaire sent out to be returned by May 19th; IJ to address
- AOB:
- MM: Corran residents concerned about toileting behind public WC facility; could 50p charge be removed? Is there a contactless facility? will Corran Bunkhouse kiosk make situation worse?: AB to be consulted (IJ)
- MLM: similar concerns over FLS picnic site on Loch Linnhe; should this be reported to Environmental Health Officer?
- AMC: passing on comms from DW – JML Contractors are planning to remove old concrete founds (community club-hut) at Onich Bay as part of steps repair
- AMC: dog waste bin at Cuilcheanna currently resolved – thanks to LG for painting signage: IJ/LG to monitor going forward
- IJ: concerns over volume of hgv traffic at Inchree from residents; describe 2 weeks of tipper lorries to repair road, & impending year-long program of harvesting/extraction; residents being ‘honked’ to move parked cars at Four Seasons corner in early morning as timber lorries cannot pass; IJ to write to FLS to discuss future routes of timber removal
- Meeting closes: 8.52 pm
- Next meeting date: Thursday 3rd June 2021, 7.30pm.
- AMC to pursue Glen Righ hydro community payback
- AMC to submit SSEN application
- DW to monitor Onich Bay
- IJ to fix date for CC noticeboards work
- IJ to contact Niall Blair
- IJ to complete HC Resilience questionnaire
- IJ to contact AB re Corran toilet situation
- IJ to draft letter to FLS re hgv traffic