- Present: Ann Marie Cameron, Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Jo Cowan, Marie MacLachlan (MM), Nicola Mair, Marilyn Macdonald (MLM), Karl Spierling
- Apologies: none received
- Adoption of Previous Minutes: AMC proposed, DW Seconded
- Chair’s Report:
- Hydro Scheme – this is no further on at this stage.
- AMC reported that she is waiting to hear for funding opportunities before applying for grants.
- Document on Onich bay, letter distributed to all agencies and neighbours. It is hoped that as many people in the community council area will get a copy of this if there are any volunteers to assist. Lots of positive feedback from people offering assistance. Clearing of rubbish will be first on the list then the heavier work as and when possible.
- Thanks to DW for the photos of the puddles of the recent floods throughout the (Gleaner Garage, Creag Mhor Hotel and John MacIntyre Hut area). These have been sent to Bear Scotland. MM has also taken pictures and sent them to the NCLL Mailbox.
- Planning – Nothing since last meet
- Email from Dot Ferguson confirming she has Treasurers report. Dot wishes information regarding the AGM.
- AMC was invited to attend a meeting at Corran Ferry with Chris Hodge in charge of Submarine Projects SSE regarding the three cables lying on seabed. The site manager and project manager were also in attendance. These cables should last 10- 20 years however, due to environment at Corran these have only lasted 7 years.
It is now planned to drill 3 tunnels under the seabed from Bunree to Conaglen. Two tunnels will be for cables and the third kept clear case more power required at Glensanda. More overhead lines and pylon poles will be taken down and cables put underground. It is unclear which pylons will be removed at this time but they assure it will be “aesthetically pleasing”.
An environment study has been carried out and there will be very little impact on the village.
Postcards with information have been scanned and sent to NLCC. Extra postcards have been sent to residents in Bunree, Corran and Inchree advising of what s proposed. This job should take approx. 6 months.
- A thank you from Malcom McGregor regarding PPE for the St Bride’s Nursery. They are looking for contributions to a garden shed. The shed would be approx. £250 – £350. This was based on the NLCC receiving a large grant which unfortunately never came through. They did get £370 last month. IJ to contact Malcolm MacGregor and discuss.
IJ queried if there were other avenues for grants or funding directed to schools from the Highland Council.
- SSE Communities fund opens on 4th April
- Iain reports that Jennifer Jarl has been granted long term residence in NL
- Helpline Phone line for Covid to remain on noticeboard.
- Noticeboards – IJ will arrange people to work in pairs to erect the noticeboards and will update at next meeting This will be updated at next meeting
- DW – Emergency Line – only one phone call received last month. The app needs to be opened now and then to keep it activated. DW reports that this has gone very quiet. Volunteers to be contacted to update their app.
- JC updated regarding emergency food parcels for people in dire need and a Highland Council number to phone VAL plugging the gap have put out to those that are in the category of needing this. This is a confidential service available for anyone that needs these. There is a resilience group network meeting on 6th April via zoom 0930 – 11oo hrs. LG has volunteered to represent NLCC at this meeting as Jo has a prior engagement
Treasurer’s report
- Bank Balance = £1732.82 of which £947.56 is Covid grant money from SSE. Some of this grant money is earmarked for felt on the new noticeboards.
- A total of £490 will be paid by from council
- If NLCC were to circulate another newsletter this would require more envelopes and stamps to be bought
- Anne Marie has an invoice for stamps to be paid which will affect the balance.
- IJ looking at updating the website and will ask regarding a function for a link for people to use to get the newsletter online rather than printing hard copies. DW also suggested a clear contact button to make the site friendlier and encourage people to contribute. Any comments would have to be moderated however DW has suggested that these could be confidential until being vetted then made public if decided.
- MM – Voting at St Bride’s Primary School. She has not had any update from the school regarding this. She feels that this is not acceptable due to Covid.
The Parent Council have been messaged and Head Teacher had reported to Marie that there was awaiting clarification regarding risk management for St Bride’s. It was discussed that the Parent Council should follow this up and the Community council will support this. It was felt that if the school was used then a deep clean should be carried out over night before the children arrive the following day.
- MLM has noticed the rust on the roof of the village hall. She has enquired what can be done to fix this. IJ reports that a quote has been given for the Porch being repaired. LG reports that this is an ongoing issue and they are now only two people on the committee. This requires a volunteer who can provide time to this project. It was discussed that it would be a shame to lose this facility for the community however this may become a reality. DW suggested that this should now be an agenda issue on the NLCC meeting.
- Meeting closes: 2100 hrs
- Next meeting date: Thursday 6th May 2021, 7.30pm.
- AMC to pursue Glen Righ hydro community payback
- AMC to submit Enabling Neighbourhoods application
- DW to monitor Onich Bay