Present Iain Jenner, Colin Campbell, Jennifer Jarl, Dave Wrigglesworth, Ann Marie Cameron, Nicola Mair, Lisa Glaze (minute sec),
Also Jo Cowan (Highland Senior Citizens Network), Andrew Baxter (Cllr.)
Apologies Stewart Livingston
Minutes of last meeting be accepted proposed CC Seconded NM
Matters Arising
Two representatives from Strontian community attended to talk about their progress, they emphasised communication as key. The potential to incorporate future meetings with Community Council meetings, alternating with the Village Hall Committee was considered.
Creag Mhor Cemetary
JJ to ask Neil Slinger to write to SL
SSE Emergency Power Cut Fund
IJ has sent an application
Flower and Produce Show
JJ and Elaine Cameron are delivering the schedule
Road Safety
NM to speak to Melanie Itze again
IJ waiting to hear from Pauline Donaldson about painting the bridge as you enter N Ballachulish white and putting up a ‘Welcome to North Ballachulish ‘ sign.
The next training dates are 2 March am, and Tuesday 6 evening
AM to create a FB event and put on website
Onich grazings have given their permission to put a Noticeboards near the shop.
The Community Council grant from Highland Council has been cut by approximately half. It consists of a fixed sum plus 13p per resident. Councillors are hoping to mitigate this,in some cases, by using the ward discretionary budget.
Treasurers Statement – The bank balance is £1167.42 of which £400 is to be distributed amongst local groups who will be informed that this donation may not continue.
1. DW noted the presence of police speed operation s
2. The poor condition of the roads were noted. An enquiry has been received about sweeping the pavements, IJ has written to Kate Forbes, BEAR and Transport Scotland pointing out that Transport Scotland is responsible for the cycleway where it is adjacent to the A82.
AM has contacted BEAR about the puddle forming where the road drain has been covered with earth (Inchree)
3. Flashing signs to slow down traffic through the village have been suggested, the Trunk Road Authority would have to give permission, possibly also Highland Council
. NM to ask police for one
AB to write letter from HC
AMC to write to Transport Scotland asking for one at each end of the village.
4. IJ and DW to meet and flesh out the participation request.
5. Jo Cowan proposed that the Community Council invite the Communications team at the New Belford and the Community Partnership to come and speak at a future meeting.
6. AB to ask if a further dog bin could be installed near the Loch Leven slipway.
7. The Community Company is very short of members. It is possibly a vehicle which could be used by the Inchree steering group. The Companies House registration Incurs an annual fee.
LG to ask if the NLCA will cover this.
IJ to speak to Guy Daynes and Paul MacIntyre
Advertising and transparency were seen as key.
8. AB to speak to the tree officer for an assessment of the beech tree opposite the shop.
9. The Village Hall Committee have decided to pursue the building of a new hall after the partial survey by a structural engineer. It is currently safe but not in a good enough condition to renovate.
10. Contact details on the CC website are out of date and should include contact numbers.
11. Nether Lochaber Community Association ‘s next activity day is work on the picnic site at the Gleaner Garage.
12. A refrigerator has been thrown onto the beach at the new picnic site. Litter along the A82 is very bad at the moment and, it was noted, within the BEAR contract.
The fly tipping number to be put on the CC website
Jo Cowan to include litter in Lochaber Life. A publicity campaign could include posters. Meeting closed 8.45pm
Date of next meeting THURSDAY 5 April 2018 7pm
preceded by an Inchree Steering Group me