Minutes of Inaugural Meeting Thursday 5th December, 2019.


Ann Marie Cameron, Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Colin Campbell, Dave Wrigglesworth, Nicola Mair, Cllr. Andrew Baxter, Neil Johnston.


Karl Spierling, Cllr. Niall Maclean

Introduction by Inaugural Chair, Cllr. Andrew Baxter

  1. Appointment of Office Bearers

Chair: LG proposed AMC, seconded IJ

Secretary: LG proposed IJ, seconded DW

Treasurer: AMC proposed LG, seconded CC

  • Adoption of Standing Orders

AB detailed the following changes:-

  • Associate Membership can now be granted to key groups/individuals outwith the CC area (to be an agenda item for next meeting)
  • CC meetings to be held first Thursday of every month at 7pm in NL Village Hall, excluding August (recess) and January 2020 (second Thursday)

AB handed over to AMC

Minutes of last meeting: proposed IJ, seconded CC

Treasurer’s Statement: £1228.41 in bank, interim financial statement provided

  • AMC bought new pads for community defib at Onich Café – to be reimbursed – it should be noted Lawson Taylor has taken over monitoring this

HC Ward Discretionary Fund:  IJ to apply to Emma Taylor (HC)

Retrospective Planning Application, Old Town (NJ): NJ outlined his position regarding previous issues raised, and was satisfied by NLCC explanation of their position –  it should be noted AB provided advice on planning processes only

Picnic Site Bin:  issue seems to be resolved – no recent overspill

999 Call Delays: no response aS yet from Police Scotland

Gorge Path (Glenshellach): drains adjacent to the path have been blocked, exacerbating the problem, and drains at A82 junction are full of gravel

AMC to contact BEAR about roadside drains

Onich Hotel Pods:  drainage pipe to shore seems to be from a stream crossing the property – checked by HC Planning Officers and AB has spoken with owners

Old Town Sign: no response from BEAR Scotland


  1. NM – posters have been removed from the new noticeboard at school – gravel path to be put underneath, and IJ + SL to remove old noticeboard
  2. NL Community Association update: (i) Forest and Land Scotland are offering old Inchree barn to community for almost nothing + 0.5 costs of valuation process and NL own legal fees. Community Asset Transfer application now only for other building (Vertical Descents) and forestry block. (ii) Another ‘Open Weekend’ to be held 25th/26th January 2020 updating community on progress/events/plans, AGM to be held at end. (iii) public artwork opportunity at Creag Mhor, and dry stone walling course to be held at end of February to rebuild missing wall – remainder of HC funds for rebuilding to be paid toward Instructor fee of £650. SUSTRANS being approached for Artroots Fund grant. (iv) Winter Ceilidh to be held on Saturday 28th December.
  3. Cycle bridge at Inchree has been completed – cyclepath between Old Stores and Keppanach is cracking badly from subsidence.

IJ to contact SUSTRANS

Meeting Closed at 8.10pm

Next Meeting: Thursday 9th January 2020 at 7pm.