- Present; Dave Wrigglesworth- DW, Lisa Glaze – LG, Ann Marie – AM, Karl Speirling – KS, Marylin Macdonald – MMD, Marie MacLachlan – MLM.
- Adoption of previous minutes; Proposed – AM, seconded – MMD.
- Treasurers Report; £3645.46 (cork invoice and stamps to be deducted).
- Planning; Nothing pending.
- Matters Arising;
- DW followed up and a meeting is arranged for 18th November with FLS regarding traffic in Inchree. KS also will attend.
- Traffic Plan assessment requested from LHA regarding housing development in Inchree. This was sent to all CC members. Future developments are uncertain at this point. DW to inform LHA of the CC’s interest on matter.
- AM submitted applications for funding regarding defibrillator.
- LG Village Hall, copies of legal documents held and transferred trustees. Lisa has spoken to trustees. Not quite clear exactly where we stand. It is suggested to arrange a new management committee for the future of the Village Hall. MLM and MMD are both keen to be part of this. We hope to have a committee together by the new year.
- Newsletter drafted and ready to print. CORRA funded this and we will update them on the delivery of our 2nd newsletter. All CC members to check and approve contributions.
- At the barn project weekend, there will be information available to people attending regarding differentiating between the barn project and village hall and reiterating the fact that the barn project will not replace the village hall.
- KS and DW bookshelves – KS kindly put up the bookshelves in village hall.
- MMD cleaned and replenished the squirrel feeding boxes, DW helped take down and put them back up. MMD currently in procession of 80KG of squirrel food donated. When food runs low, the CC may hopefully donate to replenish.
- LG suggested a QR code for donations for raising money for squirrels’ food.
- New signage up at Inchree car park informing of squirrels and walks. KS will check signage further up the glen.
- AOB;
DW – our website, it is needing updated. It needs to become more accessible to CC members to be able to update and share information.
- Action Points.
- DW and KS attending meeting with FLS regarding forestry traffic affecting residents.
- AM – funding applications for defibrillator.
- If any NL residents have come forward at Inchree hub information weekend.
- LG – the use of a QR code for donations towards squirrel upkeep.
- Website.
- Next meeting on Thursday 1st December 2022 at 1930 by Zoom.
- Meeting closed at 2045hrs.