NLCC meeting 7th September 2023 at 1930 hrs in NL Church Hall

1. Present; Committee members - Dave Wrigglesworth DW, Brian Pearson BP, Marylin Macdonald MMD, Marie MacLachlan, Lisa Glaze LG, Ann Marie Cameron
Public - Kathleen Cameron, Carol Rasmussen, Liz Ross, Linda MacLachlan, Morag MacIntyre, Kate Ward, Stewart Livingston. Don Michie, Mary Michie.

2. Apologies; Karl Spierling KS.

3. Proposed by LG Seconded by BP
(Amend BP to previous minutes as present.)

4. Treasurers Report – £3787.97 included £821.82 Highland Council grant (2 years of admin grant)

5. Planning –
i. Telecoms mast, accessed by Glen Righ. No comments.
ii. Houses at Inchree brought up. No further action.

6. Matters arising
i. Planning on the Glebe, CC wrote to planning to state we wish for planning rules to be followed within plans granted.
ii. Alliance is going to be discussing the powers that CC’s have with regards to objections to planning applications.
iii. Don Michie brought up the representation the CC gave to the amendments of plot 3 at the Glebe. The CC’s stance on planning matters is that rules are rules and must be followed. We will reiterate our point.
iv. Village Hall update – Report is here for the VH, meeting on Tur 19th September at 1930hrs in NL church hall, all welcome. Angus MacDonald will be attending. John Strachan will also be attending. We welcome all residents to come along.
v. CA – Appointed Lucy Cook to be project manager on 1st September for the Barn project. It has still not been bought by the CA. Path has been built at St Brides to the notice board.
vi. MMD asked if the Innis na Birlinn graveyard still needs helped with the hedge and cutting grass and suggested the community gardening equipment. AM confirmed it has been done but the cemetery had to pay a contractor.
vii. Forestry Land Scotland’s Andy Hunt has been in touch with the CC to say he is planning budgets for a new road which will take all forestry traffic away from Inchree. The project would go ahead in stages. Mass extraction is not expected to be until the end of 2024.
viii. HC tarring of Inchree, all residents and those affected are informed. Roam West has brought up concerns of interruptions to their business, they have been assured by HC that this will be limited with the help of amnesties.
ix. Cuilchenna Notice boards- ongoing. DW will check with KS.
x. Corran Ferry – CC has been working with the Corran Ferry Stakeholders group to find a solution to the difficulties face with the ongoing Ferry problems. Survey will be going out this week to all resident of NL. This will allow everyone their say and is important for the future of Corran, whether fixed link or Ferry. Decisions on money from levelling up fund won’t be made until next year. The newsletter will be combined in with the survey.
xi. Land under Ballachulish Bridge, the area has been greatly improved, DW passed the matter forward to the councillors. We will continue to observe.
xii. Road Safety in North Ballachulish – ongoing
xiii. No welcome sign to North Ballachulish at Ballachulish Bridge.
xiv. Bear Scotland – Road subsidence at Old Stores, Resurfacing of the Village and road north of Village Hall DW AP
xv. Website – BP has been working on the CC website. Simplifying, enhancing and removing sections not needed. The links to the google share for minutes will be available soon.

7. A.O.B
i. DW – Autumn elections, HC takes over the elections. You can apply through the HC website or ask the CC for details.
ii. Contact from Communities Housing Trust about building houses in Inchree. DW has invited Fiona Sorley to come to a CC meeting to discuss their intentions.
iii. Multi use path through NL – DW and others attending noted the state of the path through the village. There is glass, plastic, a car battery and debris all along it. It is a hazard to all that use it. We will collate pictures and information to collate an email to councillors, MSP etc.
iv. Linda MacLachlan brought up buses not stopping at the Old Town rd. MLM will email the bus company and copy in the CC to see if this can be rectified.
v. Kate Ward asked about the field to the right of the junction at Old Ferry Rd. The CC will find out who owns it. Confirmed by LG as owned by Transport Scotland.

8. Action Points
i. Cuilchenna notice board - DW, KS.
ii. Land under Ballachulish Bridge – All.
iii. Bear Scotland – Road resurfacing/subsidence/signage – DW.
iv. Communities Housing Trust’s Fiona Sorley attending future meeting.
v. Multi use path – pictures of issues from all to be collated.
vi. Buses not stopping at Old Town rd. – MLM.
vii. Reiterating with planning of our stance regarding abiding by rules and stipulations of consent granted – DW.

The next meeting will be held in person on Thursday 5Th Oct at 1900hrs at the NL Church Hall.
Meeting ended 2100hrs.

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