NLCC Minutes 1st September 2022 @ 1930 by Zoom
Present: Dave Wrigglesworrh DW, Lisa Glaze LG, Ann Marie Cameron AMC, Karl Spierling KS, Marylin Macdonald MMD ( Jill Morrow JM & Iain Jenner IJ joined part of the zoom meeting re Inchree & Community Association
2. Apologies: Marie Maclachlan & Kathleen Dickson
3. Adoption of previous Minutes: Proposed by MMD, seconded DW
4.Treasurers Report: Account balance – £3699,45.
£192 payment made for defibrillator batteries
5. Planning : No matters pending
5.Matters Arising:
(i)Inchree Forestry Traffic : Concerns about amount of Forestry traffic , Speed and early and late timings through Inchree were discussed at great length. KS – The number of lorry movements have not been confirmed in the last two years. NLCC was told an alternative Forestry Route is being investigated. IJ informed NLCC that the Alternative Forestry Route was first mentioned in 2014. Photographic evidence of road damage was sent & road was immediately patched up. Kate Willis, Councillor, to continue working with HC re state of road through Inchree. Agreed that JM asks 5 residents of Inchree to write their concerns about unacceptable issues re forestry traffic. DW to provide email contacts for HC & Forestry & Land Scotland. DW on behalf of NLCC to email concerns.
(ii) Proposed Housing at Inchree: JM expressed concerns about a lack of Community Engagement re information that a possible 14 new houses to be built. Existing road & A82junction of concern. DW has emailed Lochaber Housing Association requesting information but has had no response. Agreed both NLCC & Inchree Residents continue corresponding for more information.
(iii) Defibrillator: New batteries received. DW reported the cost of housing the defibrillator outside the NL Village Hall will be around £600/£700. AMC has made an application for funds through Tesco Bags scheme.
(iv) Village Hall: LG has arranged a meeting with Garry Summer, solicitor with MacPhee & Partners. LG had to clean a mess in the Village Hall. Locking the hall was discussed. DW & KS to look into a new key safe to hold the large Hall key. DW was thanked for work on the Hall door.
(v) Inchree Red Squirrel feeding station: MMD shared correspondence with Roam West & SSEN. Roam West is unable to support purchase of Squirrel feed. SSEN to provide one 40 kg bag @ £187 which will last two months. Chris Hodge at SSEN tried to find other support & offered suggestions. NLCC agreed to MMD contacting local businesses- Corrigans, Mowi & Corran Bunkhouse for support. DW & MMD to contact local journalist re the situation at the Squirrel Hide. DW to email Forestry & Land Scotland for support. MMD requested the squirrel feeding storage box be relocated from Torlundy to Inchree. MMD to contact Doreen Hislop who previously fed the squirrels. DW & KS offered to check the feeding boxes. LG suggested we recognise supporters of the project with a plaque at the feeding station.
(vi) Newsletter: Agreed to delay until October. CC members to email stories to AMC & she will paste into the Newsletter.
(vii) Onich Hotel Pods: Don Michie & Kate Willis, Councillor, continue to monitor conditions at the site. NLCC agreed not to hold an open meeting re lack of enforcement of planning conditions but NLCC will continue to ask for confirmation that conditions will be met.
5. Correspondence: None
6. Any other Business:
(i) Community Association: Agreed to have this item on Agenda each meeting to inform CC. The Inchree Barn Questionnaire has been misleading as majority of questions are about the Village Hall. The Community Association confirmed the barn is not replacing the Village Hall & this will be noted in the next Newsletter. Results of the Questionnaire will be published in November. The Community Association holds an Activity morning in the Village Hall the first Sunday of each month.
(ii)KS reported “XOX “graffiti at top of Wades Road. He will monitor the situation.
7. Action Points
(i) DW- Inchree Forestry Traffic
(ii)DW- Inchree Housing
(iii)AMC- Tesco Bags Application for housing Defibrillator at Village Hall
(iv)LG- meeting with solicitor re Village Hall (v)DW & KS- Village Hall key safe
(v) MMD- Contact local businesses re Support maintaining Inchree Red Squirrel feeding Station/ DW – Email Forestry & Land Scotland re support / MMD & DW – contact journalist re Inchree Squirrel Hide situation
(vi)All members- items for Newsletter
(vii) DW -Onich Hotel Pods
(viii) Community Association on Agenda
(ix) KS – Graffiti
Meeting ended 21:09 Next Meeting: Thursday 6th October’22@ 19:30 hrs via zoom