NLCC Minutes, Thursday 6th Oct 2022
- Present– Ann Marie (AM), Dave Wrigglesworth (DW), Marylin Macdonald (MMD), Marie MacLachlan (MML), Karl Spierling (KS)
- Apologies – Lisa Glaze (LG)
- Adoption of previous minutes; AM Proposed minutes, KS seconded.
- Treasurers report – £3645.46
- Planning Applications. No concern to the CC at present.
- Matters Arising
(i) Inchree forestry traffic- written and responses from Forestry who are looking at other options, DW to follow up on ongoing complaints regarding speed, volume, anti-social hours etc.
(ii) Inchree Housing plans. Kate Willis enquired, and the response is that currently plans are at a surveying stage. DW to request the traffic plan/assessment for further information.
(iii) Tesco application for defib at the hall. AM received information regarding cabinet costs. AM to investigate further funding options. Spring likely when we are looking to rehouse.
(iv) Meeting with solicitor regarding Village Hall, LG is not present this evening to discuss.
(v) DW suggests a meeting solely to discuss the Village Hall
(vi) CA Barn project open day 19th/20th November 10-4. LG had suggested a CC table for the Village Hall
(vii) Village Hall-New storage for Village Hall key, it will be in use shortly. KS providing new bookshelves
(viii) Red squirrel feeding – MMD been in touch with; Corrigans, Mowi, Travis Perkins, BSW. Forestry and Land Scotland sourcing the storage box. DW to remove feeding boxes with MMD who will clean them. AM suggested putting info in the newsletter for support with feeding the squirrels. We will aim to get this started soon. The forestry has agreed to purchase and plant Hazel trees in the area.
(ix) Newsletter – All members contributing
(x) Onich Hotel Pods – Japanese knotweed been poorly cut and thrown on beach; this is a massive concern for contamination. Sepa, Planning and NS have been notified. It is suggested to notify neighbouring crofting townships regarding possible contamination because of this.
(xi) Graffiti – KS still finding graffiti up Inchree, it is unknown who is responsible.
- CC has been asked to speak to Traffic Scotland regarding the number of vehicles clipped at Glencairn corner, this is an issue throughout the village. MMD has pointed out there are no chevrons to warn road users.
- Several Residents have brought up the unsightly croft below the Ballachulish Bridge.
- It has been noticed that the pavement/cycle path is badly needing swept. We will discuss further into spring, rather then into winter when the weather could make sweeping pointless.
- Action Points
- DW following up on residents’ concerns regarding the timber hauling in Inchree.
- DW requesting traffic plan/assessment for planned housing in Inchree.
- AM investigating funding options for defibrillator
- Update from LG regarding meeting with solicitor re. Village hall.
- Arranging a meeting solely to discuss future Village Hall.
- Attending the CA open days on Barn project.
- KS and DW to see to new book storage in Village Hall is feasible.
- DW & MMD removing and cleaning squirrel feeding boxes.
- Contributions for newsletter to be emailed to AM.
Meeting closed – 2113hrs
Next meeting Thursday 3rd November 2022 at 1930hrs by Zoom