NLCC Minutes. Thursday 4th August 2022 at 1930hrs by zoom
- Present: Dave Wrigglesworth DW, Lisa Glaze LG, Ann Marie Cameron AM, Marie MacLachlan MLM, Marylin Macdonald MMD
- Apologies: Karl Spierling
- Adoption of previous minutes: Proposed LG, seconded MMD
- Treasurers report: Balance of £3909.39. A payment for defib pads is currently pending to AM
- Planning: no matters pending
- Matters arising:
- Defib- recall for faulty defib batteries, defib will be collected on 5th Aug (a replacement in place whilst fault fixed) DW dealing with issue. Another set of pads may be purchased at same time as new battery if required. Priority is having it operational. DW to investigate the costs of a new housing, AM to find out of funding for defib.
- Village Hall – LG spoke to solicitor, original deed of trust from 1958, a previous solicitor had amended rules regarding use around 20yrs ago. Current community status unknown, LG to have meeting with solicitor in due course.
- Church car park: MMD discovered the church head office had chosen to sell the glebe. CC has no further need to pursue any area of ongoing negotiations.
- School Car Parking: MLM to keep an eye on situation during the next term and speak to PC with any concerns and update CC where necessary
- AOB:
- Onich Hotel pods – DW updates that work appears to have stopped. Responses received from Land Contamination Unit and Planning had agreed that conditions hadn’t been met.
- Inchree – Roam west and resident concerns about damage to the road from HGV, DW has contacted Forestry regarding matter and pictures as evidence of the damage and destruction will be taken. DW to work with the Community Association on the matter also. MMD points out the lack of passing places. All members agree this is a big safety issue for the residents and road users on A82.
- Community Alliance meeting in September 2022, DW to chair the meeting, MLM will attend.
- Newsletter – To be discussed at the next meeting. It was agreed to try and send out an autumn newsletter. All members to share the responsibility of putting it together.
- Squirrels– Iain Jenner passed on information regarding squirrel feeding at Inchree, costs incurred and suggested work involved. Roam West and SSEN both contributing. MMD to pursue. There are offers of help from the community to maintain.
- Signage at Inchree – MMD has been informed that signs will be replaced
(vii) Wades Road still closed due to gabion baskets needing fixed.
- Action Points:
- DW – overseeing the defibrillator recall and replacement of pads/batteries.
- LG – meeting with solicitor to be arranged re. village hall.
- DW – Investigate hauling forestry at Inchree, all members to note concerns of community.
- All members to raise ideas for next newsletter.
- MMD to speak to Iain Jenner regarding squirrel feeders/maintenance.
Next meeting – Thursday 1st September 2022 @ 1930hrs via zoom
Meeting ended 2040hrs