NLCC meeting 7th March 2024 at 1900hrs via zoom

1. Present – Brian Pearson BP (NLCC, NLCA), Lisa Glaze LG (NLCC, NLCA, NLVH), Marie MacLachlan MML (NLCC, NLVH), Kathleen Cameron KC (NLCC, NLVH), Marylin Macdonald MMD (NLCC, NLVH).
Councillor Fanet, Highland Council CF.
Apologies – Karl Spierling KS (NLCC, NLCA)

2. Adoption of previous minutes; proposed - LG seconded- KC.
Amendment to minutes – In matters arising VI of February 2024. LG has asked MML to remove this section and state that she identified £395.56 to spend on a laptop. Not that LG didn’t want to purchase a laptop.

3. Office Bearers reports
I. Chair BP: Updates the 2040 meeting was cancelled; Transport Scotland didn’t turn up. BP thinks we should write to convey our disappointment.
II. Corran Ferry – Acharacle CC voted no confidence in the Council, next meeting 18th March, it has suggested the communities join in requesting a diesel Ferry now as that is what is required. NLCC wants to know how the infrastructure costs will be met plus a 6 million extra for latest proposals. BP wants to know if there is a strength of feeling in our community to support Acharacle CC in their no confidence vote. KC thinks we should ask the residents affected what their thought are on the matter. MML thinks that as a CC, the opinions of residents of NL should decide any course of action which we have. CF reiterated BP’s information. 65% of NL residents were in favour of a fixed link. MML suggested putting something in our newsletter to glean the exact thoughts of NL residents. CF agrees with all CC members that we need clarification on what exactly a vote of no confidence means, BP will email for this information.
III. Linnhe liaison group, BP will share the minutes from this with all.
IV. Secretary- MML will have a teams meet with BP to sort out the minutes on the google share drive. They will also discuss the website.
V. Treasurer: Balance £3745.50 Money spent - £110.12 given to CA for bulbs, - £172.50 for squirrel food, -£15 for hall hire.

4. Planning – (CF not taking part of planning discussions.)
No objections to any current planning applications.

5. Action points from previous meeting.
I. Notice board KS, MMD says the landowner is not keen on concreting any of his land, MMD has suggested if concreting is necessary that it could go on the opposite side of the road, this would be on LG land. Residents are also happy for it to be on the fence.
II. Laptop – BP investigated it. Two social enterprises sell refurbished - ILM highland, Reboot in Forres. Ward discretionary fund is also an option. Around £350 of CC money allocated for this. BP suggests using the CA Microsoft package to reduce costs.
III. Grit bins – 3 bins will be installed in Cuilchenna and 1 replaced in Inchree.
IV. Glen Righ – The scheme became active on 20/9/18 with 100kw generated per annum, equating to £500. The CC would like a set date for payment annually. The funds go directly to the CC for the CC to decide how it benefits the community. LG will get in touch with the developer for any more info. We had 4 years’ worth paid together previously.
V. NLCA: 9 people turned up to the activity day. Barn project - interpretation panels are being made. Trees have been cut. All the money is in place to purchase the water tank, HC discretionary fund assisted by around £800 and an anonymous donation of £200.
VI. NL Village Hall: Lawyers established that CC currently owns Village Hall. The hall will be returning to the ownership of the NLVH Committee. Both parties will need solicitors for transfer and fees will occur. The office bearers are all automatically all Trustees for the VH at present. The VH must be registered as a SCIO before it can proceed in the change of hands back, Next meeting is on 26th March at 1930hrs in NL Church Hall. All welcome. The VH can apply directly with a detailed drawing for planning permission without a pre planning application.
VII. Website – BP will work with MML to show MML how to upload minutes to the website. BP will send MML all the passwords. MML will speak to Ann Marie re FB admin.
VIII. BP shared the end of year requirements, we will need to have our annual AGM before June, Thursday 2nd May 2024 @ 1900hrs at NL Church Hall. MLM will arrange posters for 1 month before the meeting. We will advertise on FB and on the Website too.

6. AOB
I. MMD brought up Ann Marie’s gift to recognise her 25yrs service on the NLCC, MML will arrange this.
II. CF thanked the CC for invitation and intends to join future meetings.

7. Action Points
I. Cuichenna noticeboard (KS, MMD, LG)
II. Corran Ferry (BP)
III. Laptop (BP, MLM)
IV. Glen Righ hydro scheme (LG)
V. Website/Social Media (BP, MLM)
VI. Ann Marie gift (MLM)

8. Next Meeting is 4th April 2024 at 1900hrs in NL Church Hall.
Meeting ended 2100hrs


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