NLCC Meeting 4th April 2024 at 1900hrs.

1. Present at meeting
I. Committee members present – Brian Pearson BP (NLCC,NLCA), Marylin Macdonald MMD (NLCC,NLVH), Kathleen Cameron KC (NLCC,NLVH), Marie MacLachlan MLM (NLCC,NLVH), Lisa Glaze LG (NLCC,NLCA,NLVH).
II. Councillor Sarah Fanet.
III. Public – Iain Jenner IJ (NLCA).
IV. Apologies – Karl Spierling KS (NLCC,NLCA), Cllr Thomas MacLennan.

2. Adoption of previous minutes: LG, on action points-V of March 2024 minutes, a correction to be made that an anonymous donation made to the NLCA was for £1000. Proposed by MMD, seconded by KC.

3. Office bearer’s reports
I. Chair – Corran Ferry meeting date was changed; BP couldn’t attend the new date. Update on ferry, Maid of Glen Coull is going away for annual refit. Lochaber District Planning Group, BP will attend his first meeting with this group at the end of April. Village Hall, BP has concerns about being a trustee for the village hall. He wants heras fencing outside and around the hall to ensure the safety of anyone around the hall or the vicinity. The Village Hall will have to pay the legal fees on both sides to obtain ownership. Obtaining funding might be possible through HC discretionary fund and Councillor Fanet has recommended another source of funding. BP will suggest how we move forward at the next VH meeting on the 23rd April at 1930hrs in the NL Church hall.
II. Secretary – MLM will be standing down as minute secretary but wishes to remain on the committee, The CC will be looking for a replacement. The AGM is coming up and anyone interested in joining the CC is warmly invited.
III. Treasurers report – balance of £3495.60. The only outgoing this month is for a laptop from Amazon priced £249.90.

4. Actions from previous meeting
I. Website -Bp will set up the laptop for the website/email/FB etc.
II. MLM has bought Ann Marie a gift for 25yrs CC service, it will be presented to AM at the next VH meeting.
III. Cuilchenna notice board is ongoing.

5. Planning – nothing to discuss.

6. Updates from NL groups.
I. NLVH- BP would like signage around the hall to warn folk away from it/added safety. Next VH meeting on 23rd April at 1930hrs.
II. NLCA – Last sat was the engagement day, 17 people turned out in support, they had lunch at Roam west, funded by the highland Climate Fund. Questionnaire launched on website, FB and Instagram. The week before the Barn was emptied. The Crown estate fund for Scotland has given £47000.00 to the project. Next activity Day is on the 7th April, meeting at the picnic site.

7. End of year requirements.
I. LG will get accounts checked.
II. BP will do posters.

8. AOB
Cllr Fanet – Corran Ferry. £20mil is secured from UK government+ £10mil HC for infrastructure. Conversation continues between the Scottish Government and HC for further funding for the purchase of a vessel. HC are part of the small vessel replacement programme with Calmac.
9. Date of next meeting – 2Nd May 2024 A.G.M at 1900hrs in the NL Church Hall.
Meeting ended 2102hrs.

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