NLCC meeting Thursday 1st February 2024, 1900hrs, held in Nether Lochaber Church hall.

1. Present; Brian Pearson BP (NLCC,NLCA), Marylin Macdonald MMD (NLCC,NLVH), Kathleen Cameron KC (NLCC,NLVH), Marie MacLachlan MML (NLCC, NLVH), Lisa Glaze LG (NLCC,NLCA,NLVH), Karl Spierling KS (NLCC,NLCA).

2. Public attendance; Carol Rasmussen

3. Adoption of previous minutes; proposed- LG seconded- MMD (MML noted amendments required to previous minutes – misspelling of a surname and rectifying a comment on FLS parking).

4. Matters arising
I. Noticeboard at Cuilchenna, KS will ask the gentleman that previously built the noticeboards. MMD will ask the landowner if it’s okay to put posts within his field. MMD and KS will liaise with each other.
II. Chair – BP with be attending the alliance meeting and will update in due course. The Corran ferry survey results were published in the paper and online. In NL the fixed link was 65 votes, 52 for the ferry. 641 in favour of fixed link and 546 in favour of a ferry.
III. Feedback from NL chairs meeting; there was an informal catch up between the chairs of NLCC, NLCA & NLVH to support and inform each other. This will be a regular meeting. BP will try to attend NLVH meetings. They discussed communication between the 3 committees and keeping everyone in the community in the loop.
IV. Treasurer report- £4043.12 balance. Includes +£50 donation from One Tree for squirrel food. - £50 to Innis Na Birlinn, - £100 to Kate Ward’s Afternoon Club. - £35 for ICO. LG explained that of the balance the CC bank account there remains an amount of the CORRA Grant awarded to the CC for enabling communities. The original amount of £3300 was applied for and granted to provide newsletters and community gardening equipment. £883.23 has been spent of the newsletter allocation (£916.77 left to fund future newsletters) £1500 of the grant for community gardening tools was paid to the NLCA.
V. The balance of the bank account includes money remaining from £1300 SSE grant money. Also £2000 community payout from Glen Righ Hydro Scheme was also received. These amounts were received between 2021/2022. £2000 of CC money received was transferred to the CA, the CA used the money for flower tubs and Legal fees for the purchase of Creag Mhor Cemetery. The NLCA took over the purchase and completion of the Creag Mhor project and the flower tubs after the NLCC initiated both projects. The CC was unable to purchase community assets.
VI. LG has identified 395.56 to spend on a laptop, BP is exploring different options, he will speak to Dot Ferguson.
VII. Funding will be discussed at the next meeting.
VIII. LG has requested money for bulbs costing £110.12, Unanimous decision amongst CC members to donate the £110.12 to the NLCA towards the bulbs as they benefit the whole community. The CA will investigate the possibility of businesses adopting tubs.
IX. MMD would like to thank Liz Ross and Lawson Taylor for feeding the squirrels. MMD is down to her last bag of food. We have £100 in donations, £87.00 more is needed to purchase 4 x 10kg bags. This would hopefully last 6 months. Unanimous agreement amongst CC committee to donate this cost from the CC.
X. Secretary – MML has uploaded all the minutes to the google share drive. All CC members will receive the password again. The minutes will be uploaded to the website and social media when passwords and access allows. MML received a message of thanks to convey to the CC from Kate Ward and the members of the Afternoon Club, Kate is so grateful of the donation given by the CC and it was benefitted by many.
XI. Grit bins. LG suggested Cuilchenna and Inchree. Cuilchenna currently has no grit bin and serves 40 households. It is a Council adopted road. In Inchree, the grit bin has been destroyed from hauling lorries. MML will email the council.
XII. Planning – nothing relevant. BP will pass passwords on to me MML so they can keep abreast of weekly/monthly lists.
XIII. Updates from NLCA – Iain Jenner has emailed CC members about the boards. The CA has had an offer to donate towards the water tank at North Ballachulish and needs another £500 to purchase. Activity day 4th February at 10am, this month it is at the Creag Mhor cemetery. Ben at Vertical descents is fundraising for the Barn Project/CA. NLCA AGM in NL Church Hall 29th February at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome.
XIV. NLVH AGM 27th February in NL Church Hall at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. LG - on behalf of the VH committee is in touch with MacPhee and partners regarding ownership of the hall. We will have more information at the next meeting.

5. AOB
I. MML raised flooding in North Ballachulish – An elderly resident had contacted MML with concerns, he had previously fallen on ice from lying water. MML will take pictures of the problems the next time it occurs, we will raise this with our local Councillors and Bear Scotland. It has been a recurring problem for years. On the southbound carriageway, just south of Onich services and at the junction on to the “low road” B863 from the A82 which also affects school traffic.
II. KC – National Park status. It’s up to everyone to do their own research on the matter. The CC isn’t consulted on its stance on the matter. BP has shared a link for resources on the subject to all members. BP will speak to Kate Willis about arranging for a representative to come along and discuss the National Park status and what it means to the community.
III. LG -Because of the bad weather, there are lots of dangerous trees and branches throughout the area.
IV. BP -the resurfacing works. Its essential for the community and was originally planned for 16yrs ago. This is from the 3rd – 29th of March with amnesties regularly. No closures every Friday and Saturday night during the works.

6. Action Points
I. Noticeboard at Cuilchenna (MMD, KS)
II. NLCC laptop (BP)
III. Grit bins (MML)
IV. Glen Righ Hydro Scheme
V. Funding

7. Next Meeting by Zoom on Thursday 7th March at 1900hrs
Meeting ended 2106hrs.

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