NLCC Minutes, 1930, Thursday 9th June, 2022 : AGM +

Monthly Meeting (NL Village Hall)


  1. Present: Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Karl Spierling, Marie MacLachlan (MML), Marilyn MacDonald (MMD), James MacLean, Keith Hollingdale
  • Apologies: Ann Marie Cameron
  • Adoption of Previous Minutes:  AGM minutes (2019) not available
  • Treasurer’s Report: £5995.52 balance (AGM report for three financial years, 2019 -2022, appended)
  • Chair’s Report: in the absence of AMC, contributions were taken from members present: DW – managed to get BEAR to repair Onich steps; there was a community beach clean at Onich Bay with help of HC; MM – BEAR repaired flooding issue A82 Creag Mhor so NLCA mosaic could be unveiled; KS – NLCC noticeboards completed; LG – large scale resilience efforts run by volunteers by during COVID restrictions; MMD – new sign at bottom of An Droachiad walk (but not top end); DW – managed to sustain CC meetings by ZOOM for entire pandemic; IJ – newsletters sustained during COVID.
  • Members remaining on NLCC are:
  • DW remains, nominated Chair MML, seconded MMD
    • LG remains, nominated Treasurer KS, seconded DW
    • IJ stands down from Secretary role and NLCC (after 12.5 years he needs to attend to other commitments); MML offers to be Minute Secretary; IJ recommends asking AMC to return to role of Secretary
    • KS, MML & MMD all continue as CC members
    • MMD becomes Vice-Chair, nominated LG, seconded MML.

AGM closed 2004.

June Meeting.

Adoption of Previous Minutes: Proposed MMD Seconded DW

Treasurer’s Report: £5995.52 balance

  • Matters Arising:
    • Onich Pods: DW – extensive communications from NLCC to statutory consultees, SEPA, NatureScot, HC Planning and Contamination Unit; all have replied, some more satisfactorily than others; HC Planners have had a site meeting, and decontamination investigations are underway. Ongoing.
  • Defib pads: waiting for AMC to order replacements following reminder in March 2022 – DW to chase up; everyone agrees relocating the defib to a more prominent location (side of village hall) be investigated.
  • Hydro funds to be transferred to NLCA for ‘common good purposes’ – ongoing
  • Traffic issues at Corran Ferry, highlighted by SSDT, taken forward by Lochaber Alliance of CCs – Police Scotland reviewing situation and will respond in due course.
  • Data protection and website development ongoing
  • Dog-fouling at Bishop’s Bay continues; MML is hoping HF Holidays will allow signage, and has the contact for the HC Dog Warden, Fiona Docherty
  • Correspondence:
  • Multiple responses from HC Planning, Contamination Unit, SEPA and NatureScot re Onich Pods
  • Planning notifications re extended access road at Cuilcheanna and demolition/redevelopment of house at Callert, N. Ballachulish
  • AOB:
  • DW offers thanks to IJ for all his service
    • LG points out a co-option vacancy is now available at NLCC, and everyone should seek interest to fill it.
    • LG wishes to stand down as Chair of Village Hall Committee, and so renewed membership to stimulate this; DW says a dedicated meeting needs to be convened to specifically discuss the future of the village hall which continues to deteriorate. LG will take this to NLCA Board.
    • IJ raises concern brought by Tom Kirsop: development work has begun at the Glebe without conditions specified in the planning permission regarding rights of access to Camus and Garage House having been satisfied. DW will contact people involved.
    • MML – the N. Ballachulish sign is still not up.
  1. Meeting ended 09.38pm
  1.  Next meeting date: Thursday 7th July, 2022, 7.30pm

NL Village Hall


  • DW to pursue renewing defib pads
    • LG to transfer ‘common good funds’ from hydro scheme to NLCA
    • MML to contact dog warden, Fiona Docherty
    • DW/LG to facilitate combined CC/CA meeting to discuss village hall
    • DW to contact neighbours of the Glebe for discussion over planning conditions at the site
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