NLCC Minutes 7th July 2022 @ 1930 by Zoom
2. Apologies: AM
3. Adoption of previous Minutes:
Proposed MMD, Seconded MLM
4.Treasurers Report:
Account balance – £3909.39
£2000 has been paid over to NLCA
Website costs of £86.13 paid
HIE remains owed around £1800 <
5.Matters Arising:
(i) DW renewed Defib pads – Up and running, also new signage. Back on defib map. Located in Lawson Taylor’s Garden. Possible move of defib, cabinet costs are an issue, DW suggests exploration of possible funding. LG suggests AM may know of funding. All members to research where possible. Raise awareness to locality of location. (Possibly in next newsletter) Possible move of defib to NL village hall. DW to source a second set of defib pads.
(ii) Transferral of Common Good Fund to NLCA – Available to local groups to apply.
(iii) LG and DW to facilitate meeting regarding village hall. LG will get in touch with Solicitor regarding legal documents related to the hall. DW suggests a small meeting to define points for holding a larger meeting with the public. All in agreement of the course of action.
(iv) DW has discussed planning at the Glebe with relevant neighbours. Identified that NL Church may want to pursue privately also. No action to be followed up by NLCC on this matter. LG concerned about NLCA flowers, DW to speak to builders regarding removal. MMD highlights parking issues and building very close to disabled ramp.
5. Correspondence:
(i) Onich Hotel Pod Development update – Planning and HC Land Contamination Unit have responded by reporting the work has halted until consultations are completed.
(ii) CC Alliance group- Invitations sent for FW2040 vision meeting. DW agreed to attend meetings when possible.
(iii) HC planning applications – Agricultural Shed located in Cuilchenna, no objections noted.
6. Any other Business:
(i) MLM brought up St Brides Primary School parking and the dangers – MLM to speak to Head Teacher regarding matter and will update at next meeting on possible actions to resolve. MMD suggested HCRSO might be way to proceed.
(ii) MMD agrees to observe/investigate/liaise regarding the progression and changes to be made at NL Church carpark and will update CC members.
(iii) KS updates that trees are finally cleared at the back of Inchree carpark, path at Wades Rd remains closed.
(iv) DW enquires about the NLCA flyers circulating regarding new members. LG explains NLCA looking for people interested in helping with events and the future of the barn at Inchree. KS updates members on barn progression.
7. Action Points
(i) DW to source spare defib pads.
(ii) DW & LG to facilitate meeting re. Village hall.
(iii) LG contacting solicitor regarding legalities of hall.
(iv) MMD enquiring re NL Church car park.
(v) MLM to speak to Head Teacher and PC re parking.
Next meeting Thursday 4th August 2022 at 1930hrs (either Zoom or in person tbc).
Meeting closed at 2050hrs