NLCC Minutes, 1930, Thursday 5th May, 2022

Digital Meeting (Zoom)

  1. Present: Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Rev. Malcolm Kinnear, Marie MacLachlan (MML), Marilyn MacDonald (MMD)
  2. Apologies: Ann Marie Cameron, Karl Spierling
  3. Adoption of Previous Minutes:  Proposed MMD Seconded LG
  4. Treasurer’s Report: £5995.52 – decision pending re Community Hydro payback (AOB)
  5. Matters Arising:
    1. Onich pods response – MK: widespread unhappiness about decision; suggests village petition or individual approaches to hotel owners; DW: conditions imposed on development are very strong, possibly sufficient to prevent building; suggests contacting HC Planning to indicate conditions possibly could not be met; decontamination will require massive excavation, and ensuring sea wall is adequate to protect against flood risk is likely to be onerous and costly; LG: suggests direct contact to HC Planning and all statutory consultees, to ensure conditions being met is monitored scrupulously; MML: is it worth writing to Scottish Land Court, and where is the historic sewerage infrastructure?; DW: suggests special meeting to formulate responses; invite David Mudie to this meeting (on site?); IJ: details how statutory bodies have not conducted site inspections – exclusively desk-top analyses; how genuinely informed of flood risks are they? LG: NatureScot and SEPA need to be challenged over protected designations; DW: how do we proceed?; IJ: rigorously challenge decisions taken without site visit, request scrupulous monitoring of planning conditions being met, contact new elected HC members for support, encourage all objectors to do same, in writing, copied to MSPs.
  • LG located source of replacement defib parts (pads are out of date) from BPPG – still to contact Ambulance Service
  • IJ has spoken to RoamWest re defib, and will contact Stuart Mundy at Gleaner re additional fixture
  • DW is still trying to locate defib signs – will check loft space at village hall
  • Correspondence:
    • Notification of Onich Pods application being consented – now confirmed in writing
  • AOB:
    • LG raises hydro payback funding – how should this be used and distributed? Regulations stipulate CCs are not to hold funds of this kind; MML suggests using some funds to assist the lunch club; DW proposes funds should be transferred to NLCA for common good uses – eg. for distribution to local groups
  • LG points out Creag Mhor Mosaic will be officially unveiled on Saturday 7th May at 4pm
  • IJ reminds June meeting is AGM
  • MMD expresses alarm at traffic build-up during six day trials at Corran Ferry
  • MML asks about ‘Old Town’ sign at St. Brides – can this be removed?
  • MK points out proposed AGM date (2nd) is Jubilee Bank Holiday – date adjusted to 9th.
  • Meeting ended 08.58pm
  •  Next meeting date: Thursday 9th June, 2022, 7.30pm

NL Village Hall


  • IJ to compile initial response for wider CC contributions re Onich Pods decision for additional discussion and representation by 12th May
    • IJ to progress website with Grapl – specifically raise Data Protection issues discussed –ongoing
    • DW to pursue data protection compliance issues
    • MML to approach HC Officer re dog-fouling at Bishop’s Bay – ongoing
    • LG to approach Ambulance Service re replacement parts for defib
    • DW to investigate ID signs for defib
    • IJ to discuss additional defib with Gleaner
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