NLCC AGM 6th July 2023 at 1930hrs via Zoom
- Present – Lisa Glaze LG, Marie MacLachlan MML, Ann Marie AM and Brian Pearson BP.
- Apologies – Dave Wrigglesworth DW, Marylin Macdonald MMD, Karl Spierling KS.
- Proposed - MML, seconded LG.
- Chair report -
I. The last 12 months has been busy for the NLCC and good progress has been made with many projects. In no particular order here are the main projects we have been involved with and thank you to everybody for their time and commitment to make NL a great place to live.
II. We have been stable financially thanks to small amount money left over from Covid funds and good financial controls from our treasurer Lisa. Thanks also to Ann Marie for sourcing the funding.
III. A better understanding of the community association, the work it does in and around our community, has been a step forward with a good working relationship on both sides being established. It is important in the future that both CC and CA work closely together supporting each other where possible. Our small community is fortunate to have two strong organisations supporting its goals and ambitions.
IV. The village hall having to be closed due to structural defects is disappointing and leaves our community with some tough decisions about how we go forward with repairs or replacement. Once again members of our community have stepped up and formed a Village Hall committee to tackle the problem. They will have the full support of the CC as they move forward.
V. The Corran Ferry fiasco and serious consequences has drawn together five other community councils to work together to find solutions to the current situation and the long-term future of this vital crossing. The long-term solutions for the Corran Ferry will involve new infrastructure to be built within the NLCC area and it is vital we are involved in the planning.
VI. Upgrading of the CC website is underway and hopefully it will become an important part of how the CC communicates with residents in the future.
VII. The NLCC has been working with other CCs around the Fort William area through the Linnhe Community Alliance group. Once again, this collaboration with other CCs has given the NLCC a stronger voice in local government decisions. It has also led to involvement with the Fort William 2040 Plan where NLCC are now invited to attend Stakeholder meetings.
VIII. We have been working with FLS to try and solve the problems of trucks driving through Inchree. The recent meeting with FLS, Highland Council and residents saw some progress to solve the problem.
IX. There are so many wee community projects that the CC are involved with I won’t list them all but good to see another Newsletter was sent out recently. The squirrel project is up and running, notice boards getting used and members of our community planting flower tubs throughout the village. Letter writing and form filling to so many organisations, especially planning, on behalf of the CC takes up much of CCs time. For a small group of voluntary people who give their time generously the CC achieves much which benefits all of our small community.
X. As Chair I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and contributions to the CC. If we all stand again and get voted in, see you all at the next meeting, and my apologies for being absent from the AGM.
- Treasurers report –
I. Disappointingly our income is nil for this period with two expected payments not received. Our last Glen Righ community payment was £500 in March 2022 and our last council grant was in August 2021.
II. On a brighter note, we started the year with a healthy balance of £5995.52 and we were able to meet all our financial obligations plus contribute to village activities.
III. Continuing expenditure is our website and data protection which this year totalled £121.13
IV. We were also able to fund our newsletter and replace the batteries and pads for the defibrillator.
V. The money from the Glen Righ Community Payment was passed to the Community Association to buy gardening equipment for their activity day programme and donate small amounts to local groups. A donation was made to the children’s Christmas party and a key safe bought for the village hall.
VI. We finish the year with a healthy £3391.58 in the bank which will allow us to continue for the 2023/24 session with no financial constraints.
VII. Glen righ community payment, AM will enquire. LG will speak to ward manager re. council grant.
- Election of office bearers.
I. Chairperson – DW, AM proposed, MML seconded.
II. Vice chair – (In the event that MMD wishes to step down) BP, AM proposed, LG seconded.
III. Minute Secretary – MML, proposed AM, seconded BP.
IV. Treasurer – LG, proposed BP, seconded AM.
V. No official representative for CC – to discuss at next meeting.
- LG proposed next AGM September 2024, LG will ask ward manager.
- Next CC meeting 3rd August 2023 at 1930hrs via Zoom.
Meeting closed 1955hrs