NLCC meeting 2nd February 2023 at 1930hrs by Zoom

1. Present; Dave Wrigglesworth DW, Marylin Macdonald MMD, Lisa Glaze LG, Karl Speirling KS, Marie MacLachlan MML, Brian Pearson BP.

2. Apologies; Ann Marie AM

3. Adoption of previous minutes; proposed MMD, seconded LG

4. Treasurers report; balance of £3391.58, £35 paid to ISO (data protection)

5. Planning; N/A

6. Matters arising;
i. LG - CORRA grant information criteria, previous spending - £1500 to CA, Voiphone, newsletters. DW and MML to investigate criteria.
ii. CA, next activity day 5th Feb. CA website developing too.
iii. Village Hall, New management committee appointed. Chairperson- Stewart Livingston, Vice Chairperson - Garry MacMahon and Secretary’s - Marie MacLachlan and Katie MacIntyre.
iv. Onich Hotel path – ongoing. Planning is currently verifying conditions undertaken correctly as agreed with permission.
v. Onich hotel lighting is affecting motorists, many people have mentioned this, and it is agreed to bring this up with the owner.
vi. Constituency boundary – ongoing.
vii. Inchree forestry road – progressing development, DW awaiting any news.
viii. Inchree information – MMD received communications, Charging in place in all forestry car parks from April this year. Charges are, £1 per hour, £3per day and £40 for an annual pass. MMD to get clarification on how this may affect local users of the car park. MMD found a previous map made in conjunction with the CC, FLS and HC and will discuss relaunching this. MMD has requested signage requirements from her contact at FLS. Iain Jenner has pledged ongoing support with squirrel feed, this will be deposited into the CC bank account and will be used as needed.
ix. Defib housing – matter ongoing, functional in situ currently.
x. Defibrillator training – Highland first aid will provide free training. DW to find out what dates training could take place.
xi. Website information – ongoing.
xii. Cuilchenna notice board – ongoing.
xiii. Minutes sharing with ward manager has been rectified.

7. A.O.B;
i. MMD suggesting face to face meetings, we will reconsider next month.
ii. DW contacted bear re. potholes and state of road, no reply yet.
iii. DW speaking to local police officer resulted in crashed fiesta removed from Corrychurrachen.

8. Action Points;
I. Corra grant update.
II. CA update.
III. Village hall update.
IV. Onich hotel path.
V. Onich hotel lighting.
VI. Constituancy boundary.
VII. Inchree forestry road.
VIII. Inchree communications with MMD.
IX. Defib housing.
X. Defib training.
XI. NLCC website.
XII. Cuilchenna notice board.
XIII. NLCC meetings in person.

9. Next meeting; March 2nd 2023 at 1930 by zoom.

10. Meeting ended 2048hrs


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