NLCC Minutes, 12th January 2023 at 1930hrs by Zoom
- Present; Lisa Glaze LG, Marylin Macdonald MMD, Karl Spierling KS, Marie MacLachlan MLM, Dave Wrigglesworth DW, Brian Person BP (from 1950)
- Apologies; Ann Marie, AM.
- Adoption of previous minutes; Proposed LG Seconded DW.
- Treasurer’s report; £3426.58 (£50 children’s Christmas party) AP CORRA foundation neighbourhood grant – LG will ask AM further.
- Planning; nothing of concern to CC
- New CC Member; Unanimous voting of Brian Pearson to join the CC.
- Matters Arising;
i. Onich hotel path – waiting for updates regarding planning status.ii. Constituency boundary changes – will hear in due course
iii. Inchree forestry – DW to speak to project manager.
iv. MMD and KS spoke to forestry, signs still to go up, MMD will email.
v. MMD regularly feeding squirrels.
vi. Defibrillator – ongoing.
vii. Highland first aid are training in Duror on 8th Feb on defibrillator use. DW will investigate if there is space available for other communities or perhaps arrange NL training.
viii. Website updates – NLCC and NLCA. CA now have information available on their website. BP will look at the CC website also.
ix. All CC members to make notes of information to be published and pass on to DW who will work with BP on website.
x. One Tree has kindly offered 40kg of squirrel food, MMD has also had community residents offer to donate.
xi. Funding of local projects – LG suggests we might be able to use our funds from the CORRA grant. DW suggests any community groups apply to the CC in advance for any funding requests towards a community project. DW will find out exactly what options the CC has for applying for any future grants.
xii. The CC and the CA to communicate better regarding funding opportunities.
xiii. Notice boards – LG and MMD suggest a notice board inside the bus shelter at Cuilchenna road end.
xiv. Complaints from some residents not receiving newsletters. It is perhaps due to new houses, name changes and residential properties that have changed use . Suggestion of stamping future newsletters and updating list of dwellings should help make sure every household receives one.
8. AOB
i. We have become aware of the CC minutes haven’t been shared with the ward manager – this will be rectified asap.ii. The village hall AGM will be on Monday 16th January at 7.30 at the village hall. A new committee will be appointed.
iii. CA news – The Inchree project has received a grant for surveys £9480.
The NY Ceilidh was a success in turnout although it ran at a loss.iv. Community Alliance meeting was held on Monday 9th – A meeting will be arranged to define the impact of the views and objections of CC’s on planning applications.
v. A82 – DW to speak to Transport Scotland and Bear regarding the state of the road and the damage to cars.
vi. DW has updated the body that deals with Data Protection.
vii. MLM brought up the crashed Fiesta at Corrychurrachen and possible contamination into the loch caused from it. DW to speak to local police.
viii. MLM brought up no sign coming north into North Ballachulish.
ix. MMD – Bus stops, hail, and ride. Citylink is to make sure all drivers are aware of their pledge to stop rurally where it is safe to do so.
9. Action Points;
i. Onich hotel path.
ii. Constituency boundary.
iii. Inchree forestry road, DW.
iv. Inchree signs, MMD.
v. Defibrillator housing, AM.
vi. Defibrillator training, DW
vii. Website info, all members.
viii. CORRA funding guidelines, AM & LG.
ix. Cuilchenna notice board, KS, MMD,LG.
x. Sharing of mins with ward manager, MLM, DW.
xi. CA update.
xii. Village hall update.10. Next meeting will be on Thursday 2nd February 2023 at 1930 by Zoom.
11. Meeting ended 2123hrs.