NLCC AGM 2nd of May 2024 at 1900hrs in NL Church Hall.


1. Present – Brian Pearson BP (NLCC,NLCA), Kathleen Cameron KC (NLCC,NLVH), Marylin Macdonald MMD (NLCC,NLVH), Karl Spierling KS (NLCC,NLCA), Marie MacLachlan MML (NLCC,NLVH), Lisa Glaze LG (NLCC,NLCA,NLVH).
Public attendance - Iain Jenner (NLCA ISG), Carol Rasmussen, Chris Boles, Elizabeth MacLellan EML.
Adoption of previous AGM minutes, proposed by- LG seconded by– BP

2. Office bearer’s reports
I. BP – Corran Ferry, public survey results. 65 votes for fixed link vs 55 for ferry. We are awaiting more news and the next meeting for info. The VH becoming apparent as owned by the CC.
II. LG – Treasurer report will be attached to the minutes.
III. Note of correction prior to being signed off by CC Chair: In the treasurer’s accounts, the correct name is the “Glen Righ Hydro Scheme Community payout” and not Glen Righ Community fund as written.
IV. Comments BP wishes to save CC money going forward.

3. All step down as office bearers.
Accepted positions are as follows:
I. Chair – BP. Proposed by KC and seconded by LG.
II. Secretary- MML and role shared with Elizabeth EML - proposed by BP, seconded by MMD.
III. Treasurer- LG. Proposed by BP, seconded by KC.
IV. Vice Chair- KS. Proposed by LG, seconded by BP.

4. Next A.G.M May 8th, 2025, at 1900hrs in the NLCH for next AGM.
AGM closed 1918hrs.

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