Minutes of meeting 3rd June 2021

NLCC Minutes (AGM), Thursday 3rd June 2021

Digital VC meeting owing to lockdown conditions.

  1. Present: Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Iain Jenner, Marilyn MacDonald (MM), Marie MacLachlan (MLM)
  2. Apologies: Ann Marie Cameron, Jo Cowan, Andrew Baxter, Nicola Mair
  3. Adoption of Previous Minutes:  DW proposed, IJ seconded
  4. Treasurer’s Report:  not available at time of meeting
  5. Matters Arising:
    1. AMC: Glen Righ Hydro – ongoing
    1. AMC: SSEN community resilience fund application ongoing – Enabling Neighbourhoods funds have arrived in NLCC account (£3300)
    1. DW: JML Contractors are proceeding with work to repair Onich Bay steps, but will not be doing any other work in the area as previously discussed/hoped for
    1. NLCC replacement noticeboards -ongoing; IJ proposes work datesof 12/13 June, and will order timber/cork tiles for the pinboards
    1. NLCC website update: IJ to contact Niall Blair (Grapl) in the week commencing 7/6/21
    1. Awaiting response from AB who is liasing with HC Officer regarding Corran Toilets concerns
  6. Correspondence:
    1. HC Planning: (a) application from Heidi Maclean for retrospective permission re timber boundary fence at Righ Crescent: no issues raised; (b) new application from Kenny Campbell re dwelling house on Croft 38/39: multiple issues raised (SEE BELOW); (c) application rom Lachie Maclennan to rebuild Ash Cottage, Onich: no issues raised; (d) application for two storey extension to increase room sizes/en suites at Cuilcheanna House: no issues raised

Objections to (b), Croft 38/39

  1. Encroachment of National Scenic Area; noted presence of protected species (slow worms & adders)
  2. Road safety concerns over poor visibility splays in 50mph zone and increasing A82 traffic volumes
  3. Development of a house here is likely to precipitate further development of NSA fields & green belt locally
  4. The applicant has been disingenuous by misrepresenting the working history of the croft in trying to justify the development
  5. The access road will encroach upon the area sewerage & water mains
  6. Sewerage will either require a pump to connect with the mains above or another septic sustem discharging into Loch Linnhe is required
  7. Huge strength of feeling locally in opposition to this development – a petition has been universally signed by Old Town residents and submitted to HC Planning.

NLCC members present unanimously agree to object: DW to write.

  • AOB:
    • JC & DW extend thanks to LG for facilitating village tub planting supplies
    • JC: Voipfone very quiet – can members be alert to any specific concerns re aged residents
    • IJ/LG have contacted Transport Scotland re possibility of installing ‘squirrel bridges’ above A82 between Onich & Inchree – awaiting response (NLCC supportive)
    • IJ suggest using resilience funds to aquire bookshelves for book swap at village hall
    • DW proposes next meeting can be face-to-face within updated Covid19 regulations
  • Meeting closes:  8.55 pm
  • Next meeting date: Thursday 1st July, 2021, 7.30pm.


  1. IJ to email Pauline Donaldson (HC Officer) re playpark warning signs
  2. DW to compose new NLCC objection to planning item (b)
  3. LG/MM/MLM to tidy village hall & stack books in one corner (2pm, 6/6/21)
  4. IJ to fix date for CC noticeboards work
  5. IJ to contact Niall Blair re website
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