NLCC Meeting 5th April 2023 at 7.30pm via Zoom
1. Present; Dave Wrigglesworth DW, Karl Spierling KS, Lisa Glaze LG, Marylin Macdonald MMD, Brian Pearson BP, Marie MacLachlan MLM.
2. Apologies; Ann Marie Cameron AM.
3. Adoption of previous minutes; Proposed by MMD, seconded by BP.
4. Treasurers report; £3277.58
Insurance paid. Amount includes CORRA grant funding to fund newsletter.
5. Planning; FLS applications for new roads. CC fully supports a new route.
6. Matters Arising;
I. Community Association update - A grant of £45186.00 awarded to fund part-time development officer for 2 years. This came from Scottish Land Fund. The barn will shortly be in community ownership. The rose beds at St Brides were tidied up at the last activity day. Website to go live shortly.
II. Village Hall update - Sections were opened to be surveyed. It was observed there is a lot of water lying under the hall. Survey imminent, results will identify future of the hall.
III. Onich Hotel-
IV. Lighting, currently no updates, ongoing.
There are road plainings disintegrating onto the beach from under the pods with each high tide. DW will bring this to the attention of those concerned.
V. Inchree -
VI. MMD spoke to David Robertson regarding the leaflet previously printed of the walks and trails around Inchree. A copy will be scanned and sent to all members for them to look over. Republishing the leaflet may have a wait until the new roads are established.
VII. MMD has cleaned the feeding boxes and refilled. MMD has made an enquiry for a plaque £51.26. This would be to acknowledge all the support given towards the project. MLM to investigate getting a QR code to support the squirrel fund.
VIII. SSEN have asked MMD to do an interview on 27th of April regarding their support to our community.
IX. Defibrillator course – Very informative and fully attended.
X. Website - BP will update the website.
XI. Cuilchenna notice board - KS has measured up and will have it made and DW will put it up.
XII. Corran Ferry - Signage up to reduce speed limit in vicinity and junction manned to prohibit vehicles stopping on carriageway.
XIII. DW and BP attended meeting regarding new ferries, plans for 2 electric ferries and new slipways. BP asked Councillor Fannet to join the next CC meeting to discuss the future of the ferry. It appears the only offer available to the communities is that of the electric ferries, the fixed link concepts don’t seem to be an available option. Information will be added to the newsletter.
7. AOB;
I. DW has had litter issues brought up. DW to contact Bear regarding hot spots for litter within NL. It is too dangerous to have a community litter pick beside A82. DW will also mention the need to keep the cycle/dual use path clear with overgrowing hedges.
II. Newsletter - All CC members to contribute. LG &KS - CA Barn project and flower tubs. MMD - Squirrel project and hail and ride. DW - Corran Ferry. MLM - Village Hall and St Brides update. BP- 20min communities. Contacting NLCC for residents. Defibrillator info. What3words information for community.
III. BP – minutes for the website, suggest dropbox or google drive to share minutes on website. MLM to set up a NLCC gmail account to use to share minutes etc. on website and social media.
8. Action Points;
I. Updates – Village Hall, Community Association.
II. Onich Hotel.
III. Inchree roads.
IV. Scan of leaflet.
V. Plaque.
VI. QR code.
VII. Website.
VIII. Notice board.
IX. Corran Ferry.
X. Newsletter submissions.
XI. Sharing drive for minutes/documents.
9. Next Meeting; Thursday 4th May at 7.30pmby Zoom.
10. Meeting closed at 9.32pm.