Minutes of Meeting Thursday 7th October, 2021
NL Village Hall
- Present: Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Marilyn MacDonald, Ann Marie Cameron, Nicola Mair, Karl Spierling (2025)
- Apologies: Andrew Baxter, Marie MacLachlan, Jo Cowan
- Adoption of Previous Minutes: Proposed LG Seconded AMC
- Treasurer’s Report: £5764.39 – £1500 to be transferred to NLCA for gardening tools/equipment: receipts to be returned to NLCC
- Matters Arising:
- Noticeboards still progressing – KS has ordered cork tiles, boards cut and in workshop awaiting dry weather
- Website still progress – IJ meeting Niall Blair (digitally) next Tuesday/Wednesday
- BEAR are scheduling drainage repair for Creag Mhor: NLCA planning to install mosaic next week so work is urgent now – DW to pursue: Lochaber Alliance also keen to challenge glyphosphate
- Onich bus shelter now installed: Old Town to be installed imminently
- MLM has found cleaner for Village Hall (Karen Miller): LG to organise
- Inchree Barn: NLCA applying to Inspiring Scotland fund for £50k for part-time project officer and professional fees – public meeting/open day scheduled for November 6th/7th
- AMC indicates she has received emails re Corran Ferry Steering Group – DW willing to attend some meetings as available
- IJ received response re letter to SUSTRANS from Kate Forbes MSP: agreed that she will write to request a maintenance schedule appropriate to needs of locality in NL
- Correspondence:
- AMC – planning for FLS: extra tracks for restocking: also house application at Bunree by Moss Cottage
- AMC – email from Gordon MacIntyre: campervans getting lost in Old Town looking for Gleaner, turning in his driveway: Google maps has mistaken listings – IJ/LG suggests GM asking Gleaner to ask Google to correct
- LG – Clare Slinger, West Highland College UHI – WHC has new facilities (Advanced Manufacturing Centre) that can help new start-up businesses with free project management and manufacturing machinery – LG to ask for a press release link
- AOB:
- MM attempted to contact FLS to find out about An Drochaid signage – no response: LG suggests using some Enabling Neighbourhoods money to fund signage – multiple visitors getting lost; AMC points out Onich Café sign at A82 needs amended – MM to pursue; KS points out no FLS liasson officer; IJ to email Regional Manager
- AMC asks about trying to produce another newsletter – consider for next meeting: can we still provide emergency resilience grants to residents in need over the winter? LG points out we have surplus funds. DW suggests asking local church to include info in there newsletter; also local foodbank, NLCC website and FB and St. Brides School – to be coordinated when next newsletter prepared
- Meeting closes: 8.42pm
- Next meeting date: 4th November, 2021, 7.30pm
- LG to transfer £1500 to NLCA as agreed
- IJ meeting Niall Blair (digitally) next Tuesday/Wednesday to complete population of new website
- DW to pursue BEAR e drainage at A82 Creag Mhor
- LG to organise deep clean of village hall
- LG to ask Clare Slinger for a press release link
- IJ to email FLS Regional Manager re improving amenity forest signage at Inchree