NLCC Minutes, 1930, Thursday 3rd March, 2022
Digital Meeting (Zoom)
- Present: Iain Jenner, Marie MacLachlan (MML), Ann Marie Cameron, Karl Spierling, Marilyn MacDonald (MMD)
- Apologies: Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth
- Adoption of Previous Minutes: Proposed KS Seconded MML
- Treasurer’s Report: £5495.52 including £1500 from CR Foster & Partners (Glen Righ Hydro)
- Matters Arising
- Noticeboards still progressing – Karl has nearly finished
- Website still progressing – GRAPL very busy
- Glyphosphate still on agenda for Lochaber Alliance of CCs – likely to be banned in UK -ongoing
- AMC attending Corran Ferry Steering Group meeting – Wednesday 9th March, 10a.m.
- North Ballachulish signage – ongoing
- AMC: Innis na Bhirlinn to have dedicated page on website – ongoing
- DW had response from HC Dot Ferguson re GDPR at CCs – will circulate and prepare simple framework for compliance: IJ still pursuing GRAPL for website completion & compliance – ongoing – Dot will seek advice from colleagues re enabling CCs with guidance
- KS – what is status of legislation re wirelessly connected fire alarms now? Law as of 1st February now extended due to shortage of devices.
- Still no warning signs for play park at Bail’ur – IJ has raised with HC Andrew Baxter
- DW compiled letter re concern over new lights at Onich Hotel carpark
- Correspondence:
- Letter of concern re lights at Onich Hotel from D.Michie – copied in to Environmental Health Officer comments about repositioning lights
- SSE keen to progress with environmental project support – what could they do in regard to squirrels and replanting native trees where clear-felling has been?
- CFR Hydro contact, David Coulthard have been in contact re community payback for Glen Righ hydro – likely to be small annual amount
- AOB:
- MML concerned about dog-fouling at Bishop’s Bay – going to approach HC Env. Health Officer
- MMD raises concern about speeding on Cuilcheanna Road – IJ has asked HC Andrew Baxter to investigate ‘pedestrian – no pavement’ warning signs or ‘slow pedestrians’ signs
- IJ asks to set AGM date – AMC indicates 02/06/22
- KS has inspected Wades Road footbridge – FLS over-reacting having closed bridge and all footpath; MMD points out Glenshellach sign at A82 down – IJ to include in letter re squirrels
- Meeting ended 08.54pm
- Next meeting date: 7th April, 2022, 7.30pm
NL Village Hall/ZOOM (TBC)
- KS to progress noticeboards- ongoing
- IJ to progress website with Grapl – specifically raise Data Protection issues discussed -ongoing
- AMC to attend re-scheduled Corran Ferry Steering Group meeting
- IJ to write to FLS Visitor Services re Red Squirrel Feeding Station at Inchree – redrafted to consider SSEN proposal, and raise Glenshellach signage and Wades Path closure
- DW to compile GDPR framework for CC compliance – ongoing
- IJ to compile Spring newsletter with assistance from other CC members – printing on 07/03/22
- MML to approach HC Officer re dog-fouling at Bishop’s Bay