NLCC meeting 7th dec 2023 at 1900hrs in Nether Lochaber Church Hall

1. Present
I. Committee members present – Brian Pearson BP (NLCC, NLCA), Lisa Glaze LG (NLCC, NLCA, NLVH), Marylin Macdonald MMD (NLCC, NLVH), Karl Spierling KS (NLCC, NLCA), Marie MacLachlan MML (NLCC, NLVH).
II. Community members present- Kathleen Cameron KC, Stewart Livingston SL, Carole Rasmussen CR, Iain Jenner IJ, Liz Ross LR.
III. Highland Council Senior Ward Manager – Dot Ferguson.
IV. Apologies- Angus Macdonald, Thomas MacLennan.
V. Resignation – Dave Wrigglesworth, note of resignation available to view on request.

2. Adoption of previous minutes – proposed by MMD, seconded by KS.

3. Matters Arising
I. Corran Ferry BP Attending, Corran survey results due.
II. We will arrange to get weekly planning lists emailed to us.

4. Office Bearer’s reports
I. BP has been setting up the agenda, anyone welcome to add any matter to BP’s agenda to be discussed.
II. The minutes can be uploaded on to the google drive. For any members of the community who can’t read the CC minutes online, Marie will have her phone number available for anyone to request a paper copy. It doesn’t make sense to print out minutes every month to pin to all the notice boards.
III. Ann Maree will be contacted to get the FB log in to change admin.

5. Treasurers report
a. Money present - £4243.12
II. Recent activity; +£600 from Glen Righ Hydro Scheme community payout, -£25 for the church hall rental.
III. MML has requested a donation for the children’s Christmas party, Kate Ward’s afternoon club and for Innis na Birlinn graveyard. All 3 causes have been supported by the CC for years.
IV. LG has requested the Glen Righ Hydro scheme payout is given to the Barn project.
V. MMD doesn’t agree to the £600 going to the Barn project because of other beneficiaries in the area. That include the Village Hall, Children’s party, Kate’s afternoon club.
VI. MML commented that the money doesn’t need to be spent immediately and community matters may arise that require support.
VII. BP suggests that we support the Christmas events. The CC will donate £50 to the children’s Christmas party, £100 to Kate’s afternoon club and £50 to Innis na Birlinn. LG will arrange payments.

6. AOB
I. Village Hall matters, definition needs made on who owns the hall. This is due to a £1 payment made years ago by the CC (before there was a separate VH Committee and CC members became Trustees) when the Village Hall had to be bought, SL agrees that we need to investigate this further with the VH lawyers. This will happen in the new year and will clarify matters. Kathleen Cameron stated that she thinks the CC and the Village Hall committee should be separate entities. This sentiment has previously been echoed by the majority of VH committee members.
II. BP will attend the next Village Hall meeting on the 12th of February 2024.
III. MMD has suggested we move the noticeboard so more residents can see the notices. The residents of Cuilchenna have suggested that a better position. BP has suggested using excess CORRA funding to use for this project. Iain Jenner says there is timber behind the village hall which could be used.
IV. MMD - squirrels, the food is depleting. £187.00 for 40kg bags. Ian Jenner has kindly set up a DD to pay £100 p/y towards squirrel food.
V. We have space for 2 co options for new CC members, meeting the requirements, BP asks for any nominations for the roles. Kathleen Cameron has put her name forward for the CC committee, MML has proposed and MMD seconded. Its unanimous decision amongst CC members.
VI. BP will update the details from the next Ferry meeting. There has been £20 mil allocated to the Corran Ferry slipway.
VII. MML would like the CC to present a gift to Ann Marie for her 25 yrs of service on the NLCC. MLM will put forward suggestions at the next meeting.
VIII. BP has brought up communication channels between the various groups in the community. He feels the CC should only involve themselves with other groups such as CA or VH. The CC should have no interest other than to support. It is so important when there is a conflict of interest that we declare this. Iain Jenner has written lengthy emails to all CC members sharing information on community projects, one of which will be attached to the minutes.
IX. Iain Jenner is explaining what the Barn project intends to do over the next year. They would like to offer a monthly update to keep the flow of information. The same will be done with the village hall.
X. We will look to have a new newsletter out by the spring. We will discuss this more at our next meeting. MML suggests that the CA and the VH could piggyback the newsletter and add in their own submissions, if they have info to share on their own separate sheet but utilising the envelopes and stamps.
XI. BP reiterates that the CC is not a governing body for other groups and there are appropriate channels to go through for the complaint process.
XII. Meetings are monthly currently. BP asked all members which frequency they would prefer. It is agreed to keep them monthly. Our next meeting will be on the 1st of February 2024 at 1900hrs in Nether Lochaber Church Hall.
XIII. FLS, MMD contacted David Robertson as some residents are irate because they must pay for parking at Inchree. It is charged at £40 per year/£1 per hour/£3 per day. MMD also asked about the An Drochit signs, he says they have them and MMD will be notified when they are up.
XIV. IJ, the bypass road at Inchree, the first application for funding was rejected. The Inchree steering group is going to approach Andy Hunt about pressing for the bypass road to go ahead for the Barn Project to progress.

7. Dot Ferguson, Senior Ward Manager, Highland Council.
DF – Our nominated point of contact with Highland Council. DF suggests declaring interest at the beginning of each meeting. (I have added each members committee affiliation in the present section and will do this going forward).
Associate members -2 young people are allowed to join the CC.
We don’t have protection legally so have to tread carefully on matters. (following the CC constitution).
DF is available to answer any queries anyone may have and support us on CC matters.

Meeting ended 2056hrs.

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