NLCC Minutes, 1930, Thursday 6th January, 2022

Digital Meeting (Zoom)

  1. Present: Iain Jenner, Lisa Glaze, Dave Wrigglesworth, Marie MacLachlan (MLM), Ann Marie Cameron, Heather MacDonald (Camus)
  2. Apologies: Nicola Mair, Marilyn MacDonald
  3. Adoption of Previous Minutes:  Proposed DW Seconded MLM
  4. Treasurer’s Report: £4264.39
  5. Matters Arising:
  • Noticeboards still progressing
    • Website still progressing
    • BEAR’s drainage repair for Creag Mhor completed – seems to be functional
    • Glyphosphate use on agenda for Lochaber Alliance of CCs (Monday 9th January)
    • AMC attended Corran Ferry Steering Group meeting – no other CCs came so postponed
    • SUSTRANS complaint – HC Margaret Davison has committed to sweeping regularly
    • Constituency boundary changes – no updates yet – IJ/LG made NLCC representation before 8th December
    • North Ballachulish signage –  AMC: TS will attend at bridge, and examine ‘No Through Road’ at Old Town – ongoing
    • AMC: Innis na Bhirlinn to have dedicated page on website – ongoing
  • Correspondence:
    • Objections to 21/05522/FUL from 4 residents: boundary dispute (unresolved) with Camus House & NL Church of Scotland; right of access not protected and boundary wall needs reinstated – implications for emergency service provision to Camus/Tom Kirsop; traffic at church funerals could impede access;

NLCC position – sewerage capacity; safe access to church; lack of resolution to boundary issue impacting on two local businesses; negative impact on wildlife – lack of representation by SNH re SAC; previous concern about speed limits in area & poor visibility splays

  • Email from new HC Sarah Fanet – LG suggests inviting her to next meeting
  • AOB:
    • DW had response from HC Dot Ferguson re GDPR at CCs – will circulate and prepare simple framework for compliance: IJ will pursue GRAPL for website completion & compliance
    • AMC: Newsletter for New Year 2022? – IJ to complete draft for week coming
    • IJ & MM met FLS Visitor Services re Red Squirrel Feeding Station – ongoing discussion to find new funding from community business
    • MLM will ask parent council about supplying hi-viz vests to St.Brides pupils for winter travel – ongoing
    • MLM still consulting re group activities for kids/old folks
    • IJ: AGM date? AMC – financials by March, AGM by June
    • MM has asked if we can ask Police Scotland to support as request for lighting at Corran Ferry junction
  • Meeting closes:  2048
  • Next meeting date: 3rd February, 2022, 7.30pm


  • KS to progress noticeboards
    • IJ to progress website with Grapl – specifically raise Data Protection issues discussed
    • AMC to attend re-scheduled Corran Ferry Steering Group meeting
    • MLM to research activity program for kids/old folks
    • IJ to write to FLS Visitor Services re Red Squirrel Feeding Station at Inchree
    • DW to compile GDPR framework for CC compliance
    • IJ to compile New Year newsletter
    • MLM to approach Parent Teacher Council to discuss hi-viz provision
    • IJ to make formal NLCC Objections to 21/05522/24/25/FUL
    • AMC to invite HC Sarah Fanet to next meeting