Minutes of meeting 7th December 2017

Present Iain Jenner, Colin Campbell, Jennifer Jarl, Nicola Mair Ann Marie Cameron
Lisa Glaze (minute sec),
Also Gordon McIntyre

Apologies Dave Wrigglesworth. Stewart Livingston Andrew Baxter

Minutes of last meeting be accepted proposed JJ Seconded NM

Matters Arising


NM to speak to D Duggan for training dates in January

Overgrown vegetation
Cllr Ben Thomson has confirmed that Transport Scotland are responsible for maintaining the cycleway adjacent to the trunk road. The MSP is chasing BEAR.

IJ to set a date for the formal creation of steering group.

Road signs and repairs
Cllr Andrew Baxter is chasing this issue

A82 Participation
Transport Scotland is to be notified that NLCC is putting in a formal request to participate in this forum

Ballachulish Bridge
The works on the bridge have finished but the lights are not back on nor was the cycleway tarmaced
IJ to contact SUSTRANS

B863 Speed Limits
Highland Council are to do a radar survey
PC Itze will meet IJ on site and Police Scotland are prepared to do a high profile event.

Website Archive
IJ to ask Anne MacKay if she is interested in helping with this.

In the interests of accountability letters sent out by NLCC are to be appended to the minutes.
£863.91 in account
AMC to email Dot Ferguson, annual grant has not been received

Vehicle Activated Signs
DW has costed these signs. Funding has historically come from HC

Glenmorvern Pier
Onich Hotel has been advising their guests that they cannot cross the pier at high tide.
IJ to investigate

1. Decrofting for crofts 19 and 20 has been refused
2. Community donations to be held over until January. A bill from the Community Association for printing membership packs is expected.
3. Creag Mhor Cemetary – SL has received acknowledgment from HC of our letter of application to take over the Cemetary
4. Limescale – it was reported that problems have been occurring with limescale deposits from the water mains

Meeting closed 8.15pm
Date of next meeting THURSDAY 4 January 2018 7pm